Monday, May 08, 2006

luke's macros

here's some macros i've been using, feel free to partake. some of them require adjustments.

assist macros

----alt key
This macro will assist a preselected MA target. To set an MA target, simply target him and hold down the Alt key while pressing the assist key.

/script if(IsAltKeyDown())then an5=UnitName("target")else if(an5~=nil)then AssistByName(an5);if(UnitExists("target"))then if(UnitIsCivilian("target"))then ClearTarget()else if(not PlayerFrame.inCombat)then AttackTarget()end end end end end

--------assist party member


----revive, heal, feed your pet
/script if (not UnitExists("pet") or UnitHealth("pet")==0) then CastSpellByName("Revive Pet"); else if (UnitAffectingCombat("pet")) then CastSpellByName("Mend Pet"); else CastSpellByName("Feed Pet"); PickupContainerItem(2,16); end; end;

The above requires putting food in the right bag slot. "2,16" refers to your 3rd bag from the right, and the lower right most slot.

----starter macro - tell your pet to attack, start shooting
/script PetAttack()
/cast Aimed Shot(Rank#)

-----cast mark and start fighting -- this one's great to start fighting
It will cast AotH if it's not active, otherwise it will cast Hunter's Mark on your target and command your pet to attack. IF you so desire, you can remove the PetAttack(); to make it just cast mark.
/script local i = 1 while (UnitBuff("player",i)) do if (string.find(UnitBuff("player", i),"Raven")) then CastSpellByName ("Hunter's Mark") PetAttack() break end; i = i + 1 CastSpellByName ("Aspect of the Hawk") end

-----fight and cast monkey -- click this one twice once you have to resort to hand to hand combat
This checks for AotM and casts it if it's not active. It also activates melee attack mode and casts Raptor Strike.
/script if (string.find(UnitBuff("player", 1), "Monkey")) then CastSpellByName ("Raptor Strike"); else CastSpellByName ("Aspect of the Monkey") end;

----determine fight based on distance -- this one doesn't seem to work, i haven't figured it out
/script if (CheckInteractDistance("target",1)) then CastSpellByName("Attack") else CastSpellByName ("Auto Shot") end;

----assist target
Assist Selected Target:
/script PetAttack ();
/script if (CheckInteractDistance("target",1)) then CastSpellByName ("Attack") else CastSpellByName ("Auto Shot") end;

/cast Auto Shot
/script if (not string.find(UnitBuff("player", 1), "Raven")) then CastSpellByName("Aspect of the Hawk()"); end

---switch buffs
/script if (string.find(UnitBuff("player", 1), "Mon")) then CastSpellByName("Aspect of the Cheetah"); else CastSpellByName("Aspect of the Monkey");end
/cast Aspect of the Monkey

healing macros

----casts healing on the most injured among three players, set vars 'a', 'b' and 'c' accordingly

/script M=UnitHealthMax H=UnitHealth a="player" b="party1" c="partypet1" x=M(a)-H(a) y=M(b)-H(b) z=M(c)-H(c) t=a if(xy and z>x) then t=c end TargetUnit(t) CastSpellByName("Healing Touch(Rank 5)")

---casts the cheapest healing spell available on the person to bring them back to full health, replace r=10 with highest rank of healing spell you have
/script r=10;H=UnitHealthMax("target")-UnitHealth("target");SR={41,97,213,393,617,799,1004,1285,1621,1989};for i=r,1,-1 do if (H>(SR[i])) then CastSpellByName("Healing Touch(Rank "..i..")");break;end;end;

---target nearest friend, then cast heal if that person's health is below 75%
/script TargetNearestFriend();hz = UnitHealth("target")/UnitHealthMax("target");if (UnitIsFriend("player","target")) then if hz <= .75 then if UnitIsPlayer("target") then CastSpellByName ("Holy Light()") end; end; end;

----select most damaged party member only, doesn't heal
/script c,v,n,u,p,t,k=1,{},2,TargetUnit,"player","target",UnitHealth;u(p);while(c<6) h="UnitHealthMax(t)-k(t);u(" c="c+1;end;u(p);while(n<6)">v[n-1])and(k("party"..n-1)>0)then u("party"..n-1);end;n=n+1;end;

-----variation on casting the cheapest heal necessary, it targets yourself if you're not in a group
/script r=9;S="Holy Light(Rank ";SR={40,83,173,333,522,639,994,1317,1680};t="target";p=player;if not UnitIsFriend(p,t)then TargetUnit(p);end;for i=r,1,-1 do if (UnitHealthMax(t)-UnitHealth(t)>SR[i])then CastSpellByName(S..i..")")break;end;end


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